Building Self-Esteem: First Annual Fundraising Events in Gegharkunik Region Schools

  • Source: EDSF, Community Resource Centers Program, Armenia
  • October 30, 2006 Added by Varduhi Muradyan Views: 1343
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  • Regions: World

The month of October 2006 turned out to be a month full of exciting events raising support and awareness on Community Resource Centers, teaching about compassion and equality and providing hand on assistance to community members.

The month of October 2006 turned out to be a month full of exciting events raising support and awareness on Community Resource Centers, teaching about compassion and equality and providing hand on assistance to community members.

The fundraising events took place within the frame of the Community Resource Centers Project being implemented in five towns of Gegharkunik Region, Armenia: Sevan school # 4, Gavar school # 3, Martuni school # 1, Vardenis school # 3 and Chambarak school # 3.

The fundraising activities were preceded by hard work of Community Resource Centers core teams, parent councils and student teams.

After long discussions and meetings each school had developed its fundraising program, set up target goals, communicated those goals to community to maintain their motivation and interest in participation.

The fundraising goals varied from school to school: renovation of schools hall, subscription of newspapers and magazines for community, assistance to elderly single people and disabled children, enrichment of computer labs, parental education and support to vulnerable families.

The events were an amazing fair of creative ideas and turned to be a big fun for the participants and the organizers as well. The events were highlighted by the local media.

Education for Sustainable Development Foundation and the project participant schools express their gratitude to all people of good will for their donations and moral support.


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