The Community Resource Centers Program (The CRCs)

The CRCs is an initiative launched by the ESDF to help local communities overcome educational and development resource limitations and increase public participation through encouraging partnerships and cooperation within the communities.

The Community Resource Centers Program (CRCs) is an initiative launched by Education for Sustainable Development Foundation in December 2002.

The CRCs program was initiated to help local communities overcome educational and development resource limitations and increase public participation through encouraging partnerships and cooperation within the communities.

The Community Resource Centers Program has two major directions: i) developing Community Resource Centers; ii) establishing and developing the Network of Community Resource Centers in Armenia.

The Centers serve to promote social inclusion and democratic values, as well as enhance co-operation between school and community, local and regional initiatives and national authorities.

The Program started with a limited number of schools from different regions of Armenia (10 schools). In August 2004 (2004-2007) the next phase of the CRC Program started. The EED funded project will foster school-community partnerships for community development and strengthen civil society in the communities of Gegharkunik marz of Armenia.

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