Community Focused Schools - Making it Happen, A Toolkit
- Author / organization: Pam Boyd, Heledd James, Ian Bottrill
- January 31, 2007 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 3359
- Topics: School Community Partnerships
- Document type: Textbook, Manual
The toolkit provides advice on whole-school planning and the development of Community Focused Schools. It is based on work that is currently taking place in Wales and provides ideas and examples of what Community Focused Schools can achieve.
This toolkit, which ContinYou Cymru has developed for the Welsh Assembly Government and the Association of Directors of Education Wales, links directly to the Welsh Assembly Government’s seven core aims for children and young people, as laid out in Rights to Action. It provides advice on whole-school planning and the development of Community Focused Schools. It is based on work that is currently taking place in Wales and provides ideas and examples of what Community Focused Schools can achieve.
Jane Davidson said: 'The Community Focused Schools agenda recognises and builds on the pivotal role that schools play in their areas. Schools not only provide education for pupils and create a community spirit amongst parents, but they also have the opportunity to reach out to everyone living in the locality. I hope you find this toolkit interesting and useful in supporting you on the journey to expand learning opportunities for all children and young people and their communities.'
Pam Boyd, Executive Director, ContinYou Cymru, said: ‘ContinYou is grateful to many, many people – in schools, in all 22 local education authorities, in other local authority departments and in partner organisations across Wales – for the information, examples and support they have contributed the toolkit.’
Karl Napieralla, Chair, Association of Directors of Education Wales said: ‘Community Focused Schools development has come a long way in a short space of time. However, Directors of Education are aware that there is still a great deal to be achieved both strategically and operationally. We are delighted, therefore, to have been able to work with ContinYou and the Welsh Assembly Government to produce this toolkit which will help everyone committed to making Community Focused Schools work.’
Community Focused Schools - Making it Happen, A toolkit is available on the ContinYou web-site to download free of charge, in English and Welsh.
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