Arts Council: Building Creative Partnerships – a handbook for schools
- Author / organization: Creative Partnerships, Arts Council England
- May 13, 2007 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 2168
- Topics: School Community Partnerships
- Document type: Textbook, Manual
Creative partnerships is a programme in England which enables schools to work in partnership with other professionals to develop an exciting and relevant curriculum, fostering the creativity of all learners and teachers.
Creative partnerships is a programme in England which enables schools to work in partnership with other professionals, including architects, dancers, engineers, musicians, scientists and web designers to develop an exciting and relevant curriculum, fostering the creativity of all learners and teachers.
This guide looks to help schools work with an external partner, to inspire creative learning as well as developing a School Creativity self-evaluation form.
The handbook includes topics such as: understanding creative learning, finding and funding partners, and defining and evaluation outcomes.
Although England focused, it will provide some useful tips about building creativity into school and community focused practice.
The text of the handbook can be downloaded below or accessed at the original link:
The information is taken from Supporting Community Focused Schools e-news, a free email newsletter from Continyou Cymru. For more information about ContinYou Cymru and the free email newsletter, please see
Creative Partnerships, Arts Council England, 2007. ISBN 0-7287-1304-7, 978-0-7287-1304-8.For more information visit