Growing Community Schools: The Role of Cross-Boundary Leadership
- Author / organization: Martin J. Blank, Amy C. Berg, Atelia Melaville
- October 8, 2006 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 1871
- Topics: School Community Partnerships
- Document type: Report
This report explains the work of leaders who are moving across the traditional boundaries that separate schools from communities to expand opportunities for young people, strengthen...
This report explains and celebrates the work of leaders who are moving across the traditional boundaries that separate schools from communities to expand opportunities for young people, strengthen families and make communities more livable places. These boundary-crossing leaders for community schools come from all sectors and all levels of the community. They see the community school as an essential vehicle for improving schools and the communities that surround those schools.
In their work these leaders demonstrate that partnership is a dynamic process that pulls together the whole community—schools, local government, community-based organizations, cultural and arts organizations, families, business, faith-based organizations and more—to take responsibility for their young people and their families.
The Coalition is grateful to the Stuart Foundation for their support in the preparation of this report and for the assistance they provide to community schools. We are also grateful to the 11 communities featured in this report, as well as the leaders in each of these communities who shared their time and their experiences. We trust that their efforts will serve as inspiration and example to others. The Coalition and the leaders in these communities stand ready to assist other communities taking a similar path.
Coalition for Community Schools
Copyright © April 2006 by Coalition for Community Schools, Institute for Educational Leadership. ISBN: 1-933493-05-4