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2007 ECA Youth Conference Innovation Grants Competition "Connecting Youth to Work and Citizenship Opportunities"
- March 17, 2007 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 2002
The World Bank and Nokia are pleased to invite youth organizations and their partners to apply for grants for projects which will help young people in their transition to work or which will support their active citizenship and participation.
A LIVE webinar on the role of higher education in preparing graduates to work with the community schools strategy to take place on June 3rd
- June 1, 2011 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 4042
During this interview you will learn about: why David Kirp community schools are a powerful strategy; the role of higher education in preparing graduates to work within this strategy; and his policy recommendations to support community schools.
A Russian-Polish Project Launched in Krasnoyarsk
- October 12, 2006 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 1387
In September 2006 KCCP (Russia) and the Community Information Association “Educador" (Poland) launched the joint project “The School as a Centre of Community Activism”. The first seminar took place in Kranoyarsk.
All-Russian Forum on Community Education Development Took Place in Krasnoyarsk
- November 29, 2006 Added by Фомина Елена Views: 1149
The Forum was held in Krasnoyarsk 7-10 November, 2006. This event was a ground for an effective information exchange, discussion of ways of school and community democratization, presentation of innovative projects.
Building Self-Esteem: First Annual Fundraising Events in Gegharkunik Region Schools
- October 30, 2006 Added by Varduhi Muradyan Views: 1344
The month of October 2006 turned out to be a month full of exciting events raising support and awareness on Community Resource Centers, teaching about compassion and equality and providing hand on assistance to community members.
Community school movement progressing in Nepal
- June 15, 2008 Added by Lohani, Jeevan Raj Views: 2778
Government of Nepal, together with partnership of various NGOs, has been forwarding the movement of community schools with step of providing management responsiblity of community schools to school management committee, to be elected from parents...
Community Schools of Severodvinsk Strike a Balance to the Festival of Youth Initiatives
- January 30, 2007 Added by Нефедова Евгения Views: 2144
At the Festival the participants presented their reports of the projects that were carried out during 2006 in the framework of the programme “The Youth of Severodvinsk”. Also, a round-table and a seminar took place at the Festival.
Community Schools Online. News of Community Schools in the USA
- March 21, 2007 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 2437
Community Schools Online is a list-serv maintained by the Coalition for Community Schools and provides updates on developments in the filed of community schools and the work of the Coalition.
Engaging Locally: The Sayre High School of New York City
- November 24, 2010 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 2690
Watch a video about the partnership of the University of Pennsylvania with Sayre High School that has grown to include numerous community services, such as nutrition, education and exercise programs for families, career and college preparation...
Final Conference of the Russian-Polish Project “School - Centre of Community Activism” Took Place in Krasnoyarsk
- January 11, 2007 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 2444
The participants presented activities carried out in the framework of the project, shared experienced of their everyday work, and planned their further work to promote civic activism based on the experiences gained during the project.
KCCP Launched a New Program for Youth
- September 29, 2006 Added by Насонова Елена Views: 1608
On August 17-24, 2006 the KCCP tested a new youth program “Youth Culture” in Krasnoyarsk. During one week students from five city schools were studying the basics of graffiti and could try their skills in the street art.
Krasnoyarsk School # 90 Welcomed Representatives of the National Foundation for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
- March 16, 2007 Added by Максименко Надежда Views: 2279
School # 90 deputy director Tamara Nazarenko told about the school’s work with disadvantaged children. The representatives of the NFPCC presented their programmes and donated books to the school library.
Leaders of Community School Resource Centres Meet to Discuss Strategy of the Community Schools Movement
- January 10, 2007 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 1949
On December 12-15, 2006 in Ivanteevka, Moscow Oblast, leaders of community school resource centres met to discuss the strategy of the development of the community school movement till 2009.
March 1 - International Community Schools Day
- February 2, 2009 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 2101
March 1 was proclaimed the International Community School Day on the 13th of October 2000by the participants of the International Conference "Community schools and education policy in transition countries in the 21st century".
On March 15, 2007 Krasnoyarsk Centre for Community Partnerships Celebrated its 10 Year Anniversary
- March 16, 2007 Added by Дорофеева Марина Views: 2317
On the day of its 10-year anniversary the KCCP would like to express gratitude to all the educators of schools and educational boards working on the introduction of the community schools model in their regions.
Round Table Held in Samara to Conclude the “School Foundations” Project
- January 10, 2007 Added by Толстова Екатерина Александровна Views: 2222
On December 20, 2006 in Samara the round table was held to discuss the experience and perspectives of introducing the school community foundations model at educational institutions in Samara oblast.
Russian and Polish NGOs Exchange Information and Share Experiences
- July 19, 2006 Added by Максименко Надежда Views: 2266
From 25 till 30 June 2006 a meeting of Russian and Polish NGOs took place in Poland. Organized by the New Eurasia Foundation and the Stephan Batoria Foundation it was designed for the NGOs to exchange information and share experiences.
Schools celebrate International Community School Day
- April 12, 2006 Added by Фомина Елена Views: 1291
“Having a day set aside each year to celebrate community schools internationally plays an important role in transforming networks and building partnerships between countries.” Proclaiming a global day for community schools – schools in which...
Seminar on Forms of State-Public Governance in Education Held in Samara
- April 3, 2007 Added by Фомина Елена Юрьевна Views: 2158
The city’s community schools participated in the informational and practical seminar on forms of public-state governance in education. Among the participants there were school directors, deputy directors, as well as active parents...
The "Join Us!” Community Schools Campaign Underway in Russian Regions
- December 7, 2006 Added by Дорофеева Марина Views: 1560
On the initiative of the Russian community schools resource centres The “Join us!” Community Schools Campaign was launched on November 16, 2006 to continue through December 12, 2006.
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